looking forward to hearing from you

In the professional world, familiar phrases can be useful. After all, they help you communicate your needs and wants in a way that’s widely accepted and understood. And the ubiquitous phrase “I look forward to lớn hearing from you” can be a useful shorthand at the over of an tin nhắn. But, as with all shorthand, you sometimes lập cập the risk of coming off as insincere if you use it, as anyone who’s ever received a “just checking in” tin nhắn can certainly attest.

Here’s what you should know about the phrase, including when to lớn use it and when to lớn avoid it.

Bạn đang xem: looking forward to hearing from you

What does “I look forward to lớn hearing from you” mean?

The phrase “I look forward to lớn hearing from you” is one way to lớn communicate that you expect to lớn get a reply from the person you’re emailing or writing to lớn. The expression uses a phrasal verb, which combines the verb “hear” with the preposition “from” to lớn create a new meaning: “receive a reply.”

The tone of this expression is friendly but firm—it’s less open-ended than vãn “I hope to lớn hear back.” However, the familiarity of the phrase and the concept of being excited about hearing from the recipient softens that firm expectation.

When should you tell someone “I look forward to lớn hearing from you”?

This English phrase is a solid, professional tin nhắn sign-off that works whenever you’re talking to lớn someone you want to lớn get a reply from in the near future. For instance, it can be particularly useful in the following situations:

  • In an interview follow-up email
  • Addressing a colleague you’re collaborating with
  • Talking to lớn a recruiter
  • Emailing a prospective client

That said, it can be easy to lớn fall back on this phrase out of habit, even when it may not be the best option. For example, if you have specific expectations about when you’d lượt thích the recipient to lớn get back to lớn you, or what kind of feedback you need from them, other phrases may be more appropriate.

7 alternatives to lớn “I look forward to lớn hearing from you”

1 “Let bủ know if you have any questions—I’m happy to lớn help”

Sometimes you don’t necessarily need or expect a response, but you want to lớn leave the door open in case the reader needs to lớn talk to lớn you. That’s when this phrase is helpful. For instance, if you’re emailing your quấn or a client, stating that you are open to lớn that kind of collaborative experience and are prioritizing their needs can help establish rapport. It also works well the first time you tin nhắn someone since it’s ví friendly.

2 “Talk to lớn you soon”

This phrase—or “I hope to lớn hear from you soon”—works well as an alternative to lớn “looking forward to hearing from you” since it’s a different way of conveying a similar expectation. The time element (“soon”) can also be altered to lớn something more specific. For instance, if you and your correspondent have now scheduled a meeting and you don’t need to lớn hear anything before then, you might choose to lớn say, “Talk to lớn you next week.”

3 “I appreciate your timely response”

This is a direct way to lớn say that you anticipate a response and that it’s time-sensitive. While it doesn’t provide a strict deadline, there is a sense of urgency that may be clear based on the topic at hand.

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Another option here that is perhaps a notch less insistent is “I appreciate a response at your earliest convenience.” That way, you can acknowledge that the recipient is busy and may not be able to lớn get back in a “timely” fashion. However, if you truly need a quick answer, the original phrasing (or asking for a “prompt” response) is the way to lớn go.

4 “Unless I hear otherwise, I’ll assume we’re all set”

There’s a lot of trust in this phrase, ví it makes the most sense when used in less formal work environments or among teams you’ve worked with extensively. This phrase, lượt thích “Talk to lớn you soon,” conveys that you don’t necessarily need a response, while adding that you vì thế expect to lớn be made aware under certain circumstances, for instance, if something unexpected comes up.

5 “Please keep bủ informed”

This phrase is short and to lớn the point, and it doesn’t attempt to lớn talk around the fact that you require updates. For that reason, it’s best used when you’re overseeing a project or employee and genuinely need to lớn be kept in the loop. It also implies a sense of trust in the recipient because you don’t feel the need to lớn clarify exactly when updates should or shouldn’t come. So you should reserve this phrase for those you’ve worked with previously, rather than vãn new hires or collaborators.

6 “Let bủ know if you’re interested and I’ll [X]”

This is another open-ended option, which works best if you’re emailing someone who has no obligation to lớn respond to lớn you. For example, it can work if you’re cold-emailing someone about your upcoming business venture, or you’re asking for help with a personal project. It also allows you to lớn phối expectations about the way that their response would be handled, which can in turn help them understand if they’re able to lớn help.

7 Be direct with a gọi to lớn action

A gọi to lớn action (CTA) is a direct statement about what you need from the reader, ví it can be especially useful in an tin nhắn template that’s going out to lớn a large audience. For example, you may need the recipients to lớn complete a task (such as filling out a survey), provide context, or point you to lớn the right person. The CTA requests an appropriate follow-up tin nhắn providing the information or action you requested ví you don’t have to lớn track down your recipient later for that information.

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3 examples using alternatives

  • Job application cover letter: Let bủ know if you need any additional context about my work history or have any questions. I’m always happy to lớn help.
  • Sales email: If you’re interested, click the liên kết below to lớn schedule a quick 15-minute phone gọi to lớn discuss the details.
  • Mentor communications: Thanks again for all your help last week—it’s been invaluable. I eagerly anticipate your feedback on the next project!

“I look forward to lớn hearing from you” FAQs

What does “I look forward to lớn hearing from you” mean?

In a positive way, it sets the expectation that you will get a response from the recipient. It also implies that you vì thế enjoy working with them or appreciate their time.

When should you use this type of expression?

This expression can be helpful in situations such as following up on an interview, collaborating with a client, or talking with a recruiter on LinkedIn.

What are three alternative expressions?

If you don’t want to lớn use this phrase, you can instead say, “I appreciate your timely response,” “Let bủ know if you have any questions,” or “Please get back to lớn bủ by [date],” depending on your situation.