what do you like doing in your free time

‘What vì thế you vì thế in your spare time?’ is a common job interview question. It is an opportunity for hiring managers to tướng get to tướng know more about the person behind the CV.

While there is no wrong answer, how you respond can help sway a hiring manager's decision. As with all questions during an interview, it’s important that a candidate portrays themselves in the best light possible by taking the time to tướng prepare their answer.

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So how vì thế you make sure your answers give your interviewer the right impression? We look at some sample answers and ideas to tướng incorporate into your response.

How to tướng answer “What Do You Do In Your Spare Time?”


A good way to tướng prepare for this question is for a job seeker to tướng create a list of their hobbies, activities, and interests. Then using the job mô tả tìm kiếm, they can match any desired skills to tướng their hobbies. A job seeker should look to tướng highlight hobbies that show relevant skills needed for the role, make them unique and relate back to tướng the specific job’s duties. All information given should also align with a candidate’s CV.

Prepare your answers

Structure your answer

When a candidate is preparing their answer, they should also explain why they enjoy this hobby, combining a skill that is desirable in the role, and mention a goal in relation to tướng the hobby (this shows ambition and commitment).

For example:

‘In my không lấy phí time I enjoy reading, when I’m reading, I completely relax and find myself in another world. Reading books helps bầm creatively when I’m writing. It helps bầm to tướng think outside the box and use my imagination. I’ve mix myself a goal of reading 100 books this year.

‘Every Wednesday evening, I run rẩy with my local running club. Running is something that challenges bầm physically and mentally which is even more rewarding when you’re doing it as a team. Through sunshine or rain, we always get through our 5k runs, it helps bầm value teamwork. Going for my run rẩy every Wednesday is always something I look forward to tướng and allows bầm to tướng switch off from life’s stresses and focus on the moment. I’ve mix myself the goal of running the VHI mini-marathon this year, which I’m very excited about.’

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‘I am a volunteer with the Simon Community and every Tuesday evening I help with their ‘Soup Runs’. I have been doing this for over two years and I find it really rewarding. I have met a lot of amazing people throughout my time volunteering and every week I look forward to tướng Tuesdays with the team to tướng help those who have found themselves homeless and in need. This summer, I plan to tướng host a fundraising sự kiện to tướng raise money for the charity as they have helped bầm considerably with the kindness they have shown bầm as a volunteer during the past two years. I noticed that your company has also been involved with the Simon Community in the past and this was something that pushed bầm to tướng apply for this position.’

Structure your answers

Examples of hobbies to tướng include


If a candidate has experience volunteering, they should incorporate this into their answer. Employers are aware of the benefits of volunteering and recognise the initiative and commitment that is required to tướng be a volunteer. Volunteering also shows caring and compassionate traits that could add value to tướng the team environment. It’s worthwhile for the candidate to tướng take time to tướng research the organisations CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) initiatives, aligning with what causes are important to tướng an organisation could be beneficial.

Team activities

Team skills are important in most organisations. Being a part of a team shows collaboration, dedication, and commitment. Soft skills are a huge plus to tướng employers helping them tick the necessary boxes from the job specification to tướng find their perfect candidate. In fact, 97% of employers say that soft skills are more or just as important as hard skills.

If an organisation has a strong social company culture, it could focus on hiring people with strong social skills. A good way of communicating interpersonal skills with the interviewer is for the candidate to tướng mention the importance of family and friends in their lives.

Intellectual pursuits

If a candidate is short of hobbies, activities that require brainpower and analytical thinking such as reading, playing chess, or Clip games are also worth mentioning. These activities usually require skills such as problem-solving, strategizing, and critical thinking. Which can all be seen as valuable skills to tướng have within a workplace environment.

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What not to tướng say

It’s important for a candidate to tướng remember that asking “What vì thế you vì thế in your spare time?” is not an invitation to tướng spend 15 minutes telling personal stories. Be brief and to tướng the point. Remember, the audience is a prospective employer and it’s important to tướng stay on point and not straying from off-topic. A candidate should also only share aspects of their life that they’re comfortable with and that are appropriate. Be mindful of the types of information that interviewers are not allowed to tướng ask about, such as religion, sexual orientation, and age. By oversharing particulars which are beyond the remit of a job interview, you could put the interviewer in a difficult place regarding a hiring decision.


From gardening to tướng Clip games, whatever your hobbies and interests may be, use this part of your interview as an opportunity to tướng show off your curiosity, dedication, and creativity. Take your time to tướng prepare for this question and highlight soft skills which related to tướng the role. As mentioned previously, use the job mô tả tìm kiếm to tướng guide you. Keep your answer brief and if possible, relate it back to tướng the position and the organisation’s company culture.

If you’re looking for a new opportunity, kiểm tra out our live jobs. For more job interview advice, visit the Cpl Job Hunting Toolkit.