study harder or you will fail the exam

Hello, I'm reading about conditional sentences and in my grammar book, it says:
"You can use the word unless in place of if in negative sentences."

Then it gives bủ this example,
Unless you study harder, you will fail the test.

Bạn đang xem: study harder or you will fail the exam

My question: :confused:
Where is the negative in the following sentence?

Unless you study harder, you will fail the test.

  • Where is the negative in the following sentence?

    Unless you study harder, you will fail the test.

    Failing a test sounds negative to tát bủ, Leen201. Passing a test would be a positive thing, of course.

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    Where is the negative in the following sentence?

    Unless you study harder, you will fail the test.

    Since unless there means if you don't, that's where the negation might be.

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    grassy is right. "Unless" replaces "if...don't".

    If you don't study harder, you will fail the test.​

    Unless you study harder, you will fail the test.​