singapore is an island city

I was lucky enough to lớn get the chance to lớn visit Singapore on my way down to lớn nước Australia (thanks to lớn some very inexpensive flights on Scoot Airlines. My time in the country was brief, but not ví brief that I couldn’t learn a bit about where I was.

When you enter Singapore you are reminded that the penalty for bringing drugs into the country is death, and once you’re in Singapore you had best watch what you’re doing because you’re being watched – always. CCTV is everywhere and is used to lớn monitor everything from loan sharks to lớn illegal parkers.

Bạn đang xem: singapore is an island city

It’s a very clean place and you can be fined for everything from spitting to lớn jaywalking (and FYI Singapore is not down with the gays – not yet, at least).

But let’s move on from all the laws (and did I mention the outrageous cost of beer?) and focus on some other things – lượt thích how incredibly hot and humid it is here. I am literally thirsty all the time. It seems that no amount of fluid can quench the thirst brought on by the Singaporean weather (which can turn on a dime).

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Overall, I enjoyed Singapore (and not just because I got to lớn hốc out with some Halfway Anywhere readers in the city’s highest craft brewery, LeVeL33). Will I go back? Probably. Would I live there? Probably not (I’m not down with humidity – unless we’re in Brazil).

Press for Green Man? This could get funky.
The old and the new.
Tall reflective buildings. Tall reflective buildings everywhere.
Blazing hot outside, but that doesn’t mean there can’t be an ice skating rink.
So what’s the fine for durian?
Singapore metro.
The Marina Bay Sands from below.
Chinatown Singapore.
Little India Singapore.
The Merlion.
Clarke Quay.
Two awesome PCT hikers who showed má a great time.
The light art exhibition going on around the cất cánh.
The Merlion and the Marina Bay Sands at sunrise.
Shiny pandas.
Grabbing a feed at a local hawker center.
Looking down on the Gardens by the Bay from the Marina Bay Sands.
The pool atop the Marina Bay Sands. I wasn’t supposed to lớn be here.
On the boat to lớn Pulau Ubin.
Renting a xe đạp Pulau Ubin (an island to lớn the north of the city) – worth it.
CCTV everywhere. Everywhere.
The Garden Rhapsody Light Show at the Gardens by the Bay as performed by the Supertrees.

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