living in a city has a number of drawbacks

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Living in a đô thị has many advantages such as access to tát a range of shops, public transport, schools, healthcare, and infrastructure. Cities also provide opportunities for individuals and families to tát prosper and offer a healthy living environment with enhanced access to tát services, culture, and recreation . However, there are also disadvantages to tát living in cities. Studies have shown that the risk for serious mental illness is generally higher in cities compared to tát rural areas, and growing up and living in cities is associated with a considerably higher risk for schizophrenia . Additionally, living in more populous places is associated with greater exposure to tát crime and neighborhood disorder, lower likelihood of membership in charitable organizations, and lower religiosity . Despite these disadvantages, more and more people are deciding to tát spend their lives in cities, possibly due to tát the trade-off between advantages and disadvantages in short and long-term perspectives .

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