we got lost because we didn't have a map

                               CÂU HỎI

161. We got lost because we didn’t have a map. 

Bạn đang xem: we got lost because we didn't have a map

Bạn đang được xem: 161. We got lost because we didn’t have a map.  If 162. The bridge was ví low that the b

If _____________________________________________________________________

162. The bridge was ví low that the bus couldn’t go under it. 

It was __________________________________________________________________

163. I last saw him when I was a student. 

I haven’t _______________________________________________________________

164. It’s a six–hour drive from London đồ sộ tướng mạo Edinburgh.

It takes ____________________________________________________________

165. It’s ages since Alan visited his parents. 

Alan ___________________________________________________________________

166. Mr. Will lost his job because he was late every day. 

If _____________________________________________________________________

167. The police made the youth empty his pocket. 

The youth ______________________________________________________________

168. Lawrence hasn’t seen his sister since she left for nhật bạn dạng. 

Lawrence last ___________________________________________________________

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169. John is fat because he eats ví many chips. 

If _____________________________________________________________________

170. If Joe doesn’t change his way, he will over up in prison. 

Unless _________________________________________________________________

                                           BÀI LÀM 

`161` . $ \to $ If we have a map we wouldn't got lot 

`162` . $ \to $ It was ví low because the bus coudn't go under the bridge 

`163` . $ \to $ I haven't seen him since i was a student

`164` . $ \to $ It's takes u six - hours đồ sộ tướng mạo drive from LonDon đồ sộ tướng mạo Edinburgh

`165` . $ \to $ Alan go đồ sộ tướng mạo visited his parents a long time ago 

`166` . $ \to $ If Mr . Will wouldn't been  late every day, he would not lost his work

`167` . $ \to $ The youth emptied his pocket by the police 

`168` . $ \to $ Lawrence last seen her sister when she left for Japan 

`169` . $ \to $ If John don't eats đồ sộ tướng mạo many chips, he won't be fat 

Xem thêm:

Xem thêm: truyện gió ấm không bằng anh thâm tình

`170` . $ \to $ Unless Joe change his way, he will over up in prison


$ #duongtung56 $