olga handed in her exam paper. she then realised that she had missed one question

Câu hỏi:

09/09/2023 3,646

Bạn đang xem: olga handed in her exam paper. she then realised that she had missed one question

A. Having realised that she had missed one question, Olga handed in her exam paper.

B. Not until Olga had handed in her exam paper did she realise that she had missed one question.

Đáp án chủ yếu xác

C. Had Olga realised that she had missed one question, she wouldn’t hand in her exam paper.

D. Only after Olga realised that she had missed one question did she hand in her exam paper.

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Câu 1:

You are not allowed to lớn take photos in the museum.

A. You may take photos in the museum.

B. You should take photos in the museum.

C. You mustn’t take photos in the museum.

D. You needn’t take photos in the museum.

Câu 2:

This is the first time I have had such a delicious meal.

A. I haven't had such a delicious meal before.

B. This is the most delicious meal I have ever had.

C. I didn't have such a delicious meal.

D. I didn’t have such a delicious meal before.

Câu 3:

Smoking is not allowed in public places such as: hospitals, schools.

A. You needn’t smoke in public places such as: hospitals, schools.

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B. You mustn’t smoke in public places such as: hospitals, schools.

C. You don’t smoke in public places such as: hospitals, schools.

D. You may smoke in public places such as: hospitals, schools.

Câu 4:

Perhaps he will return before you điện thoại tư vấn.

A. He may be returning before you called.

B. He may/might have returned before you called.

C. He should have returned before you called.

D. He may return before you điện thoại tư vấn.

Câu 5:

It isn’t necessary for you to lớn send her a letter today.

A. Her letter must have been sent today.

B. I mustn’t send her letter today.

C. Her letter was required to lớn send today.

D. You needn’t send her a letter today

Câu 6:

It is compulsory for all the students to lớn obey the class rules.

A. All the students needn’t obey the class rules.

B. All the students needn't obey the class rules.

C. All the students can't obey the class rules.

Xem thêm: truyện gió ấm không bằng anh thâm tình

D. All the students must obey the class rules.