by the time we get there

Good day!
"will have" is used for referring lớn the past from a point in the future:
(1) By the time we get there, Jim will have left.
As I understand it can

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mean one variant:
— "Jim's leaving" will be


"our getting there"

My examples:
(2) By the time we get there, Jim will leave.
As I understand it can


mean two variants:
— "Jim's leaving" will be


"our getting there"
— "Jim's leaving" and "our getting there" will occur


(3) By the time we have got there, Jim will leave.
As I understand it can


mean one variant:
— "Jim's leaving" and "our getting there" will occur


(4) By the time we have got there, Jim will have left.

Am I right about (1), (2) & (3) and if not, then why?
What does (4) mean?


  • By the time we get there, Jim will have left. :tick::tick::thumbsup::thumbsup:

    (2) and (3) are not idiomatic. And (4) does not need a perfect tense twice. If (1) is what you mean, you should stick lớn the standard construction.

    (2) and (3) are not idiomatic.

    #2 is:
    By the time we get there, Jim will leave.

    Correct examples from this thread:
    I will return the book by this time next week.
    I will return the book lớn you by Monday.

    All these three examples are analogous lớn each other. Then why is only my example incorrect?


    No, they’re not. Your (unidiomatic) version means Jim will leave AFTER you get there. The others mean the book will be returned BEFORE next week/Monday.

    Your (unidiomatic) version means Jim will leave AFTER you get there.

    You say:
    By the time we get there, Jim will leave. = After the time we get there, Jim will leave.

    I've looked up "by" in and found there only "before" meaning:
    by — before or not later phàn nàn a particular time:
    The documents need lớn be ready by next Friday.
    I reckon the film should be over by 9.30.
    By the over of the day we had sold over 2,000 tickets.
    By the time we got home page we were tired and hungry.

    But I haven't found "after" meaning. Could you explain lớn u what you meant?


    Xem thêm: từ ngữ chỉ sự vật

    Of those four examples, the last two are irrelevant as they’re about past situations. But the first two both refer lớn something that is expected lớn have happened by a certain time that is yet lớn come. Note that neither of them uses the so-called future tense (will/be going to), and that both of them refer lớn a state, not an action (be ready/be over).

    When you say “by” a certain time, you’re specifying an endpoint or deadline in the future and saying that

    when that time arrives you expect something lớn have already happened. For that lớn be the case, it must happen during the period leading up to the specified time.

    It’s therefore a contradiction in terms lớn say — as you’re trying lớn — that by a specific future endpoint something will happen in the future, as opposed lớn will already have happened or be the case.

    By the time we get there, Jim will leave :cross:

    The moment we get there, Jim will leave :tick: (But this means he won’t leave until you arrive)

    By the time we get there, Jim will have left :tick:

    By the time we get there, Jim will be gone :tick:

    By the time we get there, Jim will leave :cross:

    If we replace the words after "by": "the time we get there" with "Monday":
    Jim will leave by Monday.
    Is it correct now and if the answer is "yes", then why?


    Is it correct now and if the answer is "yes", then why?

    Because it's natural, i.e. we say it that way.

    If we replace the words after "by": "the time we get there" with "Monday":
    Jim will leave by Monday.
    Is it correct now and if the answer is "yes", then why?


    By the time we get there, Jim will leave by Monday.
    No. That's even worse. "The time we get there" and "Monday" are two unrelated times that you are connecting lớn one sự kiện.

    By the time we get there... is used when something will happen before we get there. The thing that happens is in the past relative lớn "when we get there." The thing happens in the past.
    Jim will leave... is used when Jim is leaving in the future. But "By the time we get there" says that Jim is leaving in the past of the sự kiện "when we get there" (before we get there) not in the future of the sự kiện "when we get there" (after we get there).

    By the time we get there, Jim will leave by Monday.
    No. That's even worse. "The time we get there" and "Monday" are two unrelated times that you are connecting lớn one sự kiện.

    If you say it about "By the time we get there, Jim will leave by Monday", then I didn't write such a sentence.

    By the time we get there... is used when something will happen before we get there. The thing that happens is in the past relative lớn "when we get there." The thing happens in the past.
    Jim will leave... is used when Jim is leaving in the future. But "By the time we get there" says that Jim is leaving in the past of the sự kiện "when we get there" (before we get there) not in the future of the sự kiện "when we get there" (after we get there).

    At this moment there's the following issue:

    We have the one of the OP's sentences about which lingobingo said that it's incorrect:
    By the time we get there, Jim will leave.

    Xem thêm: điểm chuẩn học viện báo chí và tuyên truyền 2022

    And we have the other sentence about which sdgraham said that it's correct:
    Jim will leave by Monday.

    For u these two sentences are analogous lớn each other. Why is the first incorrect and the second correct?
