although despite in spite of

‘in spite of’, ‘despite’ and ‘although’ are all used vĩ đại show contrast and are used for the same meaning. The only difference is the way they are used; the structure in which they are used.

‘in spite of’ and ‘despite’ are placed in front of a noun or pronoun:
We had a great time in spite of the rain.
We had a great time despite the rain.
Despite studying very hard, he still didn’t pass the exam. ‘studying’ is the noun size of the verb ‘study’

Bạn đang xem: although despite in spite of

‘despite’ does NOT have ‘of’ after it:
Despite the rough weather they still mix sail. NOT, Despite of the bad weather...

‘although’ is used in front of a subject and a verb:
We had a great time although it rained.
Although he studied very hard, he still didn’t pass the exam.

If ‘in spite of’ and ‘despite’ are used in front of the phrase ‘the fact that’ then they can be used with a subject and a verb:
In spite of the fact that he studied very hard, he still didn’t pass the exam.
Despite the fact that it rained we still had a great time.

‘even though’ can be used the same way as ‘although’. For most native speakers ‘even though’ is slightly stronger kêu ca ‘although’:
Even though we were in a terrible khách sạn, we had a great time.

Lesson by Tristan, teacher at EC Malta English school

Xem thêm: công thức tính thể tích hình chóp

Use ‘in spite of’, despite’ or ‘although’ for these sentences:

  • 1) ___ he was tired he drove a hundred kilometres vĩ đại the next town.
  • 2) He enjoys his job ___ the low salary.

  • 3) ___ having lived in Norway for ten years, he never got used vĩ đại the cold.

  • 4) ___ they said construction was complete, there were builders working on the khách sạn when we arrived.

    Xem thêm: muốn tính diện tích hình tròn

  • 5) ___ the fact that she had no money, she bought the siêu xe anyway.

  • 6) You still play loud music ___ I've asked you not vĩ đại several times.

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